Bauhaus in Hong Kong: 20th-Century Architectural Heritage With Dr. Lee Ho Yin

Date :
Friday, 13 January 2017
Time :
18:30 – 20:00
Venue :
1/F, Fung Ping Shan Building, UMAG, HKU
Cost :
Free admission. All are welcome
Enquiries :
Elena Cheung at [email protected] or 2241-5512

In Hong Kong, the form of architecture associated with “Bauhaus” is much misunderstood and often misidentified. The irony is that such form of architecture is all around us in Hong Kong. Since its inception in the early 20th century, Bauhaus architecture continues to exercise its influence in the shaping of our built environment to this day. The question is: what is Bauhaus architecture, and what are its influences in Hong Kong? The speaker Dr. Lee Ho Yin, a co-founder of Hong Kong’s tertiary-level architectural conservation education in Hong Kong, will provide the answers in this delightful lecture.

Jointly presented with the Hong Kong Arts Festival

Dr. Lee Ho Yin, Associate Professor, Head of the Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes, HKU. He is a co-founder of Hong Kong’s first postgraduate and undergraduate programmes in architectural conservation, and appears regularly in public lectures and the mass media to speak on architectural conservation matters.