Central to Western District with Cheng Po Hung (in Cantonese) 中西區古蹟遊 - 鄭寶鴻帶領

Date :
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Time :
2:00 to 15:00 Tour, 5:00 to 16:00 Dim sum at Lin Heung Tea House
Venue :
Meet at Statue Square in front of the statue of Thomas Jackson, Central, Hong Kong
Cost :
$300 Member, $380 Non-member, $100 Student with valid ID
Note :
Cost includes afternoon tea
Enquiries :
Bonnie Huo at 8201-8900

由香港大學博物館名譽顧問、著名香港歷史學家鄭寶鴻先生帶領,同遊香港的心臟地帶 — 中西區。隨著時代變遷、社會進步,真是「古今多少事、都付笑談中」。漫步在新舊交錯的中西區建設中,鄭先生將會給我們講解今昔典故,奕奕如生。


上環文咸東街的華人金融區、早期華人活動場所及果欄的「十王殿廣場」、上環街市、華人貿易巨擘的「南北行」及「鹹魚欄」、「國家醫院」所在的「雀仔橋」、「掘斷山街」(荷李活道) 、 早期名為「佔領角」的「大笪地」(荷李活公園)、東華醫院、文武廟、皇仁書院等。


With the cool weather of December, we have invited UMAG honorary advisor and Hong Kong historian Cheng Po Hung to lead a walking tour through the Central and Western Districts where the juxtapositions of old and new, East and West are clear testimonials of the growth and development of Hong Kong. Starting from Statue Square, Cheng will recount stories as we cover landmarks from banking and trading, cinemas, hospitals, temples, markets and restaurants before ending at Lin Heung Tea House for some nostalgic dim sums.

Do join us for this trip down memory lane to revisit the past, face the present, and consider what’s ahead.