Down Memory Lane: Yau-Tsim District With Cheng Po Hung (鄭寳鴻)

Date :
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Time :
10:00 – 13:00
Venue :
Five Flag Poles (五枝旗杆), Ocean Terminal Entrance, Tsim Sha Tsui
Limit :
Note :
This event will be conducted in Cantonese. Optional lunch with Speaker afterward on share-cost basis. For table reservation, please indicate if you will join us for lunch.
Enquiries :
Carolyn Lu at [email protected] or 9092-1676 or Sef Lam at [email protected] or 2525-5063

Route: Salisbury Road(梳士巴利道)→ Nathan Road(彌敦道)→ Jordan Road(佐敦道)→ Temple Street(廟街)→ Public Square Street(眾坊街)→ Shanghai Street(上海街)→Reclamation Street(新填地街)

Cheng Po Hung, UMAG honorary advisor and renowned Hong Kong historian will take us down memory lane, walking through old Kowloon historic sites and scenic spots in the Yau-Tsim District. We will pass through Tsim Sha Tsui (formerly known as Hong Po Tou 香埗頭), the Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Company Limited(九龍倉), Railway Terminus(火車總站), Signal Hill(訊號山), Marine Police Headquarters and the Time Ball(水警總部、時球台), Peninsula Hotel(半島酒店), Holt's Wharf(藍煙囪貨倉碼頭), Brands & Products Expo(工展會), Chungking Mansions(重慶大廈), Whitfield Barracks(威菲路兵房), Dairy Farm Company, Limited(牛奶公司), Princess Theatre(樂宮戲院), Yau Ma Tei Red-light District(油麻地風月區), Kwong Chee, Alhambra and Astor Theatres(廣智、平安及普慶戲院), Yung Shu Tau(榕樹頭), the old and new Yau Ma Tei Police Station(新舊差館)and Wholesale Fruit Market(果欄).