(Cancelled) Heritage Walk: Central and Western District With Cheng Po Hung

Date :
Saturday, 18 April 2020
Time :
11:00 – 13:00
Venue :
Meet at 10:50 in front of Tai Kwun on Old Bailey Street, Central
Cost :
$250 Member; $300 Non-member; $50 for students with valid ID
Limit :
Enquiries :
Sef Lam at [email protected] or 6944-4701
Note :
This event will be conducted in Cantonese. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and bring water, hat, and sunscreen. Optional lunch with Speaker afterward on share-cost basis.

Cheng Po Hung, UMAG honorary advisor and renowned Hong Kong historian will lead us on a walking tour of Central and Western District, retracing its early history and development. We will pass through Staunton Street Prison, Alice Memorial Hospital, Queen’s College, celebration venue of Ullambana Festival (Hungry Ghost Festival), Hong Kong News-Expo, Shing Wong Temple, YMCA, Blake Garden, Kwong Fuk Ancestral Hall (Pak Shing Temple) and Tung Wah Hospital, Possession Point, Government Civic Hospital and Ko Shing Theatre, King George V Memorial Park and Facade of the Old Mental Hospital, Centre Street Market, Jardine’s Bridge, Western Police Station (Police Station No. 7), Shek Tong Tsui Towngas Plant and red-light district, etc.

Route: Staunton Street > Hollywood Road > Aberdeen Street > Staunton Street > Bridges Street > Tai Ping Shan Street > Po Yan Street > Hollywood Road > Queen’s Road West > Hospital Road > Centre Street > Shek Tong Tsui

*Itinerary is subject to change with or without prior notice.


沿途的舊建築及遺跡︰ 第一代監獄 > 雅麗氏醫院 > 皇仁書院 > 士丹頓街(卅間)市集及盂蘭勝會舉行點 > 公理堂( 新聞博覽館) > 城隍廟 > 青年會 > 卜公花園疫區 > 百姓廟及東華醫院 > 佔領角 > 國家醫院 及高陞戲院 > 英皇佐治五世公園及精神病院 > 正街市集及早期華人居住區 > 正街貨倉群 及渣甸橋(碼頭) > 七號差館和石塘咀煤氣廠及塘西風月區等

路線: 士丹頓街 > 荷李活道 > 鴨巴甸街 > 士丹頓街 > 必列啫士街 > 太平山街 > 普仁街 > 荷李活 道 > 皇后大道西 > 醫院道 > 正街 > 渣甸橋 > 石塘咀
