Lee Mei-yin on Origins of Common Idioms in the Chinese Culture <中華文化之探本溯源> - 李美賢主講

Date :
06/03/2010 Saturday
Time :
15:00 Lecture 1 16:00 Break 16:30 Lecture 2
Venue :
University Museum and Art Gallery, 94 Bonham Road Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Cost :
$180 member; $230 non-member; free for student with valid ID Includes tea and refreshment
Enquiries :
Sef Lam at 2525-5063 or [email protected]

By studying women's costumes, accessories and cosmetics from a bygone era, this lecture presentation will trace and shed light on the origins of some common Chinese idiomatic expressions and terms in the areas surrounding the lives of women and marriage customs.

A graduate of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lee Mei-yin (李美賢) has done in-depth research on Chinese ethnic culture, Buddhist art and Chinese embroidery for many years. Currently, she is an advisor to the Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture and a teaching faculty at the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education.

This activity will include two one-hour lectures with double-screen slide presentation of items from the speaker's private collection. Members of the Executive Committee will also prepare home-baked goods to be served during the coffee/tea break.




在我們日常生活中,無論詞語、成語和用語均有其來源。本講座將圍繞著衣、飾、化艜、食、住 等各方面,以出土文物及文獻來探討各種事物的來源。(講座中輔以實物作介紹)

李美賢︰畢業於香港中文大學,從事中國少數民族「民族史與服飾」研究,中國文化教育及推廣工作二十多年。近年研究範圍包括佛教藝術「佛教雕塑」、敦煌、絲綢與刺繡賞析等。現任香港中華文化促進中心之學術顧問「民族文化」,和香港大學專業進修學院之導師。‭ ‬
