Port Island and Tolo Channel With Professor Chan Lung-sang

Date :
Saturday, 14 January 2017
Time :
09:00 – 17:30
Venue :
08:45 Meet at University Station, Shatin and walk to Ma Liu Shui ferry for boat departure at 09:00
Limit :
Note :
For insurance purposes, please enclose a photocopy of your HKID or other identity document when you send in the tear sheet and cheque payment. Please wear comfortable walking shoes. As we are out the whole day, please bring enough sun lotion, water, snacks, hat, sunglasses, etc.
Enquiries :
Winnie Tong at [email protected] or 9471-2673

The Museum Society is delighted to have Professor Chan Lung-sang once again take us out on a boat trip to start off the new year. Tolo Channel in north-eastern New Territories is deservedly a geological showcase of Hong Kong’s Global Geopark. Professor Chan, arguably the person most knowledgeable of Hong Kong geology, will take us backwards in time, making landings at rarely visited sites to explore the fascinating stories behind the rock exposures.

On this trip, we will visit Harbour Island (白沙洲) and Port Island (赤洲) or Nai Chung (泥涌) – exact landing sites depend on weather conditions that day. Stopping at Tap Mun (塔門), we will have a simple seafood lunch before heading to heading to Double Haven (印洲塘) and at either Sai Lau Kong (西流江), the last authentic fishing village in HK, or Hung Shek Mun (紅石門). The group will return to Ma Liu Shui Pier by 5:30 pm

The trip includes a 30 min walk at each of the landing sites. The walks are rated easy to moderate in difficulty. Good walking/hiking shoes are recommended.

In case of adverse weather or unfavourable high winds, we may have to modify or cancel the trip at the leader’s discretion.

Resource Person
We are very privileged to have Professor Chan Lung-sang (陳龍生教授) as the leader of the trip. Professor Chan is professor in Earth Sciences at the University of Hong Kong as well as College Principal of HKU SPACE Community College and HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Community College. He received his doctorate degree in geology from the University of California, Berkeley and is arguably the first Hong Kong native to receive formal training in geology. His research interests include tectonics of South China and Hong Kong, earthquake geology and applied geophysics. He is devoted to promoting Earth Science education, and has led field trips to South China, Tibet, Taiwan, North America, Australia, Italy, Cyprus, the Arctic region and Antarctica for students.