Studio Visit with Artist Marina Pang

Date :
Friday, 8 March 2024
Time :
11:00 - 12:30
Venue :
20/F, KP Tower, 93 King’s Road, North Point
Cost :
$200 Member; $250 Non-member
Limit :
Enquiries :
Winnie Tong at [email protected]
Note :
Optional lunch at Hop Sze Restaurant on share-cost basis

The HKU Museum Society is delighted to be extended a visit to the private studio and gallery of artist Marina Pang, one of the Museum Society’s founding members.

Marina Pang was born in Hong Kong and obtained a bachelor’s degree in science and education in the U.S.A and Britain.  She started her painting career when her sons left for England’s Public School and had a lot of time to pursue her favourite hobby – PAINTING. 

She was fortunate to study under very famous masters in Chinese painting, Huang Chun Pi (黃君璧), Chao Shao An (趙少昂), He Bai Li (何百里), Song Yu Gui (宋雨桂), and calligraphy under Ou Da Wei (區大為). Her selected works were chosen for exhibition by the “Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards” (an open art competition to all Hong Kong artists).  Her works were chosen 5 times between 1994 and 2012.  She held solo exhibitions in Hong Kong 5 times between 1994 and 2019.

Her style changes with time.  The beginning was pure Chinese monochrome landscapes.  As time goes on, she added colours (especially acrylics) to all her works, including flowers, fish, insects, birds, as well as landscapes, with a more loose and free approach.  During our visit, she will demonstrate her techniques in putting to paper the beautiful images in her mind.